Thursday, November 17, 2005

Hate Crimes

You know, I heard something on the radio about a "hate crime" being committed. I have never understood this terminology. It has always bugged me. In this particular case, a heterosexual man was accused of trying to kill a homosexual man by beating him with a hammer. Now, needless to say, this is a rather heinous crime in and of itself. But why is the term "hate crime" attached to it? I think this bothers me on a few levels.
First, why should a particular person of a certain race or lifestyle be accorded special recognition when a crime is committed against them? If a straight white man beats another straight white man, is this not considered a hate crime? No, it's "just a crime". Why is there a distinction made??
Which leads to the second thing that bothers me -- the very term itself makes no sense. Would you not have to have some level of hate within yourself to commit a crime anyway, whether you are raping or killing someone who is black or white, straight or gay?? I mean, it's as if they are saying that a straight white on straight white crime is not hate filled. And I disagree.
I think the thing that has been so hard for me to grasp is why. Why the special recognition? By making that special distinction, basically the criminal and legal system in our country is saying that because someone was motivated for a hatred towards a particular group then the person committing the crime deserves a stiffer penalty... So they are trying to get not only to the motivation of the crime but the very thought processes behind the person committing the crime. Do you see where this is going? Trying to get into the thoughts of the motivation of the crime. Has anyone read Orwell's classic 1984? Visions of the "thought police" should be coming to mind about now if you have.
As horrible and loathsome these crimes may be, it begins to smack of an attempt by the government to label people for thinking a certain way. If you believe something they disagree with then you will suffer more than others for it. See what I am saying? Before long, it will become an issue of punishing people before the crime is committed, for simply speaking what you think. Anyone see Minority Report?
Now, I am not defending people who promote hatred towards certain groups of people. All I am saying is that in America I thought we were free to think what we wanted. And if someone takes those thoughts to another level and commits a crime based on those ideals, horrible though they may be, they should be punished equal to what you or I would be punished. Now, I am not saying that a minor crime like stealing a pack of cigarettes should be punished on the same level as murder. That is not what I am talking about when I say there should be equality. I just mean that if a white man kills a gay man, why should there be a difference from if a white man kills a straight man? Or a black man? It's the irony of a system that wants to make you think it's bringing more equality to the legal system when it's really creating inequality.
It just makes no sense whatsoever. But be aware -- the thought police are not a dream in a book anymore. They are coming, if we are not careful.


Blogger Unknown said...

If a hetero man tries to kill a homosexual man because he dislikes him, or has a vendetta or a grudge, its a crime.

If he tries to kill the homosexual man simply and only because he is gay, then it is a hate crimes.

Hate Crime: Crime of aggravated assault, arson, burglary, criminal homicide, motor vehicle theft, robbery, sex offenses, and/or crime involving bodily injury in which the victim was intentionally selected because of the victims' actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Kazzamm said...

Some crimes are prosecuted with a higher punishment to try and curb the ideas that still linger among American society and others that is is wrong to "hate" a person based on any single distictive quaility.

On a side note ...
There are minority groups who deman equality but they dont want to treat "us" equally. There are some who beleive because they are able to have 6 or 7 kids they deserve tax breaks. "BUY A DAMN CONDOME"

Favorite person speaking on the same subject ... Bill Cosby.

9:33 PM  
Blogger Wil said...

I still believe that any crime committed against any person is a hate crime. Sorry, that is the way I feel. :-) Thank you for reading my blog.

2:35 PM  

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