Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A Little More History

When I started a new job in 1993, only two years out of high school, I met a guy named Shane. He played guitar, and I played a little drums, but I wanted to play guitar too. We decided we would put a band together and after about 2 years of knocking about and getting nowhere really, spending most of our time talking about music rather than playing it (or writing, though Shane did do some), a new guy at work named Jordan heard us talking about music and the desire to form a band. By this time, I had decided to revert to drums, and glad to do so. So what we really needed was a bass player. Jordan told us his brother could play bass, and we should talk to him. He said that he liked some of the same music we did as well.
So we met with his brother, whose name was Josh, at my house. I rememer being anxious and wondering if he would be cool. Or if he could play.
As it turned out, he was cool and he could play. Better than me or Shane, which really wasn't saying a lot. We were absolute beginners while Josh had been playing since childhood.
We put together a band, had a string of horrible band names, and played maybe two parties. We stayed together 3 years, until Shane got divorced and summarily fell off the face of the earth, leaving me and Josh holding the bag.
Josh and I went our seperate ways for awhile. He went on to join other bands. I came and supported them.
But now we are back together, as Suction Horse Productions, being creative, feeling blessed and glad that our friendship has lasted 10 years.
Here are some pictures from those days, taken about 1995. Enjoy.

L to R: Josh, Shane, and me


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