Friday, December 09, 2005

My car is a working magnet it seems

Now that I have a new car its like I am attracting bad drivers. I have almost had two wrecks this passed week, I mean, near misses. I don't get it. I know bad drivers exist everywhere but I think around these parts they are particularly bad. And that is one of my pet peeves. I am not a perfect driver, but c'mon, people! Look before you pull out onto the road. Somebody might actually be on it heading straight towards you. And don't be a moron and pass people when you know there is a possibility someone might come over a hill or around a corner and almost hit you.
But there are the little things that bug me too -- like using turn signals. I think it could be possible that the use of turn signals is against the religious beliefs of many people here in Birmingham, specifically out on the side of town I live on. And when they do use them, they only do so as they are making the turn. No, no, no! The point of a turn signal is to warn the driver behind you that you are turning ahead, not at that very second.


Blogger Wil said...

Yes that too -- during the holidays, well the holidays really bring out the best in people doesnt it?? *sarcasm alert*

10:47 AM  

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