Saturday, April 29, 2006

What's New?

Well, I ended up cutting my hair before I was able to grow it out and donate it -- apparently it was getting on everyone's nerves... So I gave in and chopped it.
I finished The Horse and His Boy by Lewis. Eventually I will get around to reading the rest of the Narnia Chronicles. I also finished Dostoevsky's The Possessed. It was, to me, not one of his best novels. It was good, but I think one needs more knowledge of that culture to understand all of the political undertones of the book. I read Lolita by Nabokov (from one Russian to another), and it was good. The theme of the book is obviously disturbing, but it was a good read. It didn't end the way I really thought it would.
I am now reading The Naked Lunch by Burroughs, which is possibly the most bizarre thing every written. Very stream of conscious, and it seems to revolve mostly around the seedy world of sex and drugs in the most graphic of details.

What else? I don't work for Sungard anymore. I took a string of part time work with the hopes of going back to school but money dried up fast and I had to find a full time job. I had gotten back out on my own (briefly) but that fell apart and I am living with my best friend Josh at the moment till I can get back on my feet. It stinks. Not that I don't like hanging with Josh, I just want my own place. So I am going to start saving up for that. I will have to find a roommate though I am sure. Josh and I talked about that. But I don't know, we will see.

The new job is with a tire supply company in Homewood. I work in the shipping dept. Its a small operation but it pays better than Sungard ever did.

Guess that is all for now.

Oh -- and a little something from one of our short films -- I played a, well, um ... just see the picture! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry things didn't work out for you...It's not too late though to achieve the goals you set for yourself...I wish you would come and visit more often...or at least let us know what's going so we could come there...Jill got her degree in Nusing last took her till she was 30 going back to school is not out of reach for you or let us know how we can call you...Love
Dad & Carolyn

3:30 PM  

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