Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Giving Thanks

Sure, we are all thankful for our rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yeah, we appreciate and treasure our basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter. But there are many things that are equally wonderful to give thanks for and it is time to name of few of those that get overlooked. So join me as we give thanks for:

pre-packaged meats and meat by-products; the arts, in all of its many forms -- drawing, music, writing, film, photography -- without which my life would be even more boring than it is; headache powders; combustion engines; science fiction; seat belts -- even though I think seat belt laws are stupid; close friends and good times; indoor plumbing; mouthwash; air conditioning; digital technology; seafood; getting through a traffic light just before it changes to red; express lanes at Wal-mart; Monty Python's Flying Circus and Gary Larson's Far Side comic strip, for completely warping my sense of humor; electricity; toothpicks; women, God's most beautiful creation; toilet paper; stereo surround sound; anesthesia; my youthful good looks and charm; my abundant modesty; soft spring thunderstorms on late Sunday nights; clear blue skies, the open road, and King's X on the car stereo; deoderant; turkey as the meat of choice on Thanksgiving Day, as oppposed to, say, possum or squirrel; college football; talk radio; being born in America...

Sure, there are more -- staples, clip on ties, power steering -- but I think you get the idea. Have a good Thankgiving -- be safe! It is crazy out there on the roads today.

One last note: I have my son for a few days and pictures will be forthcoming. I probably will post something Friday, but if not, then it will most likely be Monday before I say anything else. Till then,



Blogger Wil said...

Yeah, anything computer related, digital. DVDs rule. God and family are givens. :-) Shoulda listed them with the life and liberty stuff, but o well. Too many things to be thankful for! Health, yeah, that is one too.

2:18 PM  

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