Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Book Update

I finally got a copy of The Chronicles Of Narnia this past week. It has been a long time coming. I was behind the curve on the Lord Of the Rings books as well. I was just never exposed to these books as a child. I was deprived! It took a couple of good friends to introduce me to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. When I heard there were going to be movies based on the books I asked them if they were good books. Both said yes, and that I had to read them. So I did, and I was almost finished with The Two Towers when the first film came out. Soon after I finished the final book and I was glad I got to read them first before seeing them. In fact, I went back and re-read the first two before the second film came out.
While I new of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as a kid, but never read the book, though I knew it had something to do with some kids and a lion. And I had no idea it was part of a bigger set of stories. It wasn't until about 6 years ago that I learned that it was in a Narnia Chronicle set. It was about the same time that I was introduced to the writings of C.S. Lewis and I quickly devoured many of his books around 2000 and 2001. But the Chronicles was always left out. I guess because I saw it as a children's book. And yea, it is. But that doesn't mean it isn't a classic, and children's books used to be written on a more intelligent level than they are now. I mean, Alice In Wonderland, Peter Pan, they all are classics, and are still fun to read as adults. Very well-written.
The Chronicles volume that I got has them all in one set and although the original books were published at different times in a different chronology to the events in the books themselves, this volume places each book in the order in which they were meant to be read. That means that the first book is The Magician's Nephew. Second is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I am about 20 pages from the end of The Magician's Nephew. Should be able to knock that out tonight. Then I will start the other one tomorrow. The film opens in theaters in two weeks I think. But I am sure I can read it before that time. A friend told me that more films are already on the way, but I will have ample time to read the remaining Narnia stories before then.
Anyway, the first book is good, even if the allegorical nature of the story is a bit obvious. Not as obvious as Lewis' Out Of the Silent Planet or Perelandra. But still apparent. Good book so far too. And that is the point really. Does it entertain? Does it make you think? Would you recommend it to others? So far, I say yes.


Blogger Wil said...

yeah they are. Again it is aimed at children -- but children of intelligence. And of course, the child in us all. Lewis mentions that one of the books was written for his Goddaughter and he said that while she might have been too old to read fairie tales, one day when she was much older, she would be at an age when she could read them again. So I guess that means we all reach a point when we rediscover the child in us all.
Personally I refuse to grow up...

1:14 PM  

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